Saturday 2 February 2013

First Signs of Spring

Well it may not be the most amazing of floral displays  but it lifted my heart to see these two winter pansies in bloom in my garden today. I always love to see the first signs of Spring. My snowdrops will be open soon and the daffodils are well on their way. Crows are pairing up in the tall trees, buds are getting fat and, of course, the days are getting longer. I'm not a winter person and I find January and February tedious months to say the least!  We've a little way to go, but Spring is starting to creep in. Every year it thrills me to see nature wake up like this.

It always amuses me, but even our shops seem to wake up, suddenly brighter coloured clothes appear on the rails, I wish we had them year round, why can't we? Holiday ads are on the TV and Easter eggs sitting there to tempt. I'm thinking ahead to my travels, though unfortunately I won't be doing as much as I would like this year as I've a big household outlay to fund. But I do have a trip to Ireland later in the year to celebrate a "special" birthday I have this year!

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